Something learned:
I sometimes wonder if it is a personality trait or a personal shortcoming that I don't aspire to move up the corporate ladder and become less of a personal contributor and more of a strategic leader.
I really just don't WANT to. And maybe I'll regret it in thirty years. I sometimes look back on the opportunities I've had over the years and mentally kick myself for not taking them. But if I were honest, I am probably happier today for it, albeit with a slightly less illustrious career.
I chose happiness.
Something I want to get better at:
Making an impact. In the same vein as yesterday's thread, I spend a lot of energy looking inwards towards my nuclear family. For my sake and to set an example for my kids, I want to start looking outward a little more.
I donate money to a few causes. I try to be an ethical consumer. Surely there is more I can do though.
Today I was thankful for:
1. Getting everything I needed to do done before leaving.
2. A supportive hubby who let's me get away once a year for these conferences.
3. First floor parking in the airport garage.
4. TSA Precheck making airport security tolerable again.
5. On time departure. In an hour. I hope :)
Looking forward to:
A bed to myself for the next few days :)