Something learned:
It wasn't until my third year of competing that I finally won the US Sudoku Championship. It was a tumultuous final round -- of the other 2 guys, one was eventually disqualified for cheating, and the other, Tom had beaten me the previous 2 years, and finished many minutes before me. However, he had made a mistake in his final solution and ended up being penalized, and I was declared the winner. The victory felt hollow, since I knew Tom to be the faster solver.
Eventually, I learned that winning a competition wasn't just about pure skill. I realized that many other aspects can factor into a victory such as preparation, persistence and attention to detail; occasionally even luck. Conversely, an opponent seeming more skilled, is not reason enough to give up. You just never know!
Today I was grateful for:
1. My kid being on her way to becoming a better swimmer than I ever was.
2. My singing recital going well (I stayed on key, mostly)
3. The kid's violin recital going well (she didn't get derailed)
4. Husband going out for groceries and takeout dinner so I could remain in my jammies.
5. Kid making sure she got and gave a hug and kiss to each of us before bed.
A hope:
I would like to take a cruise to Alaska, and maybe see the Northern Lights.
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