Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 159

Something learned:

As a compliment, I've always felt that "You must be really smart" indicates a fixed mindset -- that my success is due to some inborn traits. I don't agree. I've had my share of failures, and I've seen that my successes were due to willingness to take a chance, accompanied by hard work. I enjoy hearing "Great job" much more, since it also implies that the speaker has observed and is impressed by the quality of the work I've done.

Something I'd like to get better at:

Keeping in touch with people. I think I'm becoming more introverted as the years go by. I often don't actually want to commit to social events. It's hard to maintain friendships that way... even though I want to keep my friends.

Today I was thankful for:

1. Getting the last thing I need to grow a tree on my deck :)
2. Finding a bee rescue company that I can call or recommend next time. I hate the bees dying
3. Kid performing in her magic show despite her earlier fears
4. Getting some good work done while the kid played quietly in my office
5. Lots of good input from friends about potential places to live

Looking forward to:

Wedding anniversary next week!

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