Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 6

Today I was grateful for:

1. Cute dogs at work
2. A nice thick fleece against the cold wind today
3. Having company at lunch
4. An email from someone dear who read my last blog post
5. News about a friend with cancer making improvement

Something learned:

Looking back at my posts so far, it would seem that parenting is what really forces me to crystallize my experiences into meaningful knowledge. It's hard otherwise to teach one's internal understanding to a child. It's becoming a parent that has really taught me about life.

It has also given me confidence, the confidence to ignore the opinions of those who don't matter. My opinion of myself matters, and that of my child. I remember early on getting upset by an old lady in a restaurant who berated me for "not dressing the baby warmly enough". This week, I chased away teenagers who were flouting the 4 ft height limit in the kiddie ice rink and scraping up the ice with hockey stops.

A hope:

That someday I can make good on my promise to the kid that we'll move to somewhere large enough to have a pet dog.

Kona, a friend's puppy

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