Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 75

Something learned:

"Do as I say, not as I do" is a horrible way to parent. My child is a thinker, she questions and challenges until she gets explanations that fit cohesively into the world view she has developed.

So I've learned to live my life in the way I want her to live. I can use myself as an example. I take lessons in things that interest and challenge me. I practice, I take risks, I make mistakes, I try harder, I show my fear but don't let it stop me. She sees all this and understands that I expect the same of her.

Some days, she ends up being my teacher. After my recent car accident, I told her that I felt a bit sad about the whole thing, and she shrugged it off saying "Mom, everyone makes mistakes. That's why we pay for insurance." She's FIVE!

I was interviewed by a lady recently about financial independence and she expressed surprise that I taught my child that we don't buy her every toy she wants because money needs to go to important things like housing and food etc. She says that many others just say No and leave it at that. My kid would never have left it at that.

Perhaps other parents dread the infinite chain of "why?"s. For me, the chain only went as far until we reached a premise that my daughter already agreed with. She wasn't asking why just to mindlessly extend a conversation, she was asking until it it made sense. And she forced me to make sure it all made sense to me too. I sort of miss them now.

Today I was thankful for:

1. Husband taking the kid to swimming so I could lie in bed
2. Seeing some folks I haven't seen in a while at the kiddo's friend's birthday
3. Watching LEGO movie with the family!
4. Yummy sushi for dinner
5. Got to finish watching the Dresden Files for free on Amazon. Such a fun show.

Looking forward to:

So many fun movies coming to-watch-list is easily a dozen movies long.

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