Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 155

Something learned:

Voting is a privilege. And it's hard work.

I don't like just voting along party lines, but my choices can have real consequences that I have no ability to predict from spending a few minutes reading about a person.

I hate all the advertising material I get before an election though. I've started not even looking at any of it. It's too much work to separate the lies from the truth.

I feel the weight of the responsibility, and more so in these local elections, where there's a low voter turnout, so my vote carries more influence. I worked hard to earn this right to vote, so I make the effort to vote in every election that I can. I am saddened by the low serial number on my stub, that so many other people just take this privilege for granted.

There was a time when chinese people were not allowed to vote. There was also a time when women could not vote. Neither of those are true today, and I will not squander this opportunity.

Something I'd like to get better at:

Blogging consistently. I'm finally starting to fall asleep at a decent hour. Maybe my body has had enough of late nights. But as a result, since I like blogging at the end of my day, I keep falling asleep before I get around to blogging. I'm going to give myself a time to do it and stick to that.

Today I was thankful for:

1. Caliber Collision fixing my window seal for free and in about 10 minutes
2. $10 car wash special at work
3. Ella giving the kid a lovely pink Android tee that was too small for her
4. Being able to vote
5. Husband making dinner

Looking forward to:

Kid's last day of her first year of school tomorrow.

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