Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 145

Something learned:

Growing up, I was in a gifted academic program. It was a well known program, and I'm not exactly how, but even at that young age, it was drilled into me that "Gifted" was a dirty word of some kind. It reeks of elitism and engenders questions like "what makes you so special anyway?" that I had no ability to answer.

My mother just saw it as a bragging point. Testing is done on all school children by the education department, and no real action or involvement is required of parents. The extent of my parents involvement in my academics was to look at my report card have conversations like
Me: "I got second in math!"
Them: "Who got first?"

These days, "gifted" still feels like a dirty word. I've been asked why I put my kid in a school for the gifted, and I don't really know what to say. Because I don't have the ability to teach her to her fullest potential? Because I want her to be around adults who understand how to nurture giftedness and understand asynchrony (she can read chapter books but can't remember to sit still for 5 seconds)? Because I want her around kids who are her age, but who are interested in science shows or computers or philosophy? Saying any of that to another parent just gets interpreted as a put-down on their own child, or their school choices etc. This gets touchy really quickly.

So have I learned? That giftedness is a label, a useful one, but really, it's not an achievement, it's a diagnosis. I've also learned to be an advocate and seek out resources for my kid. And sadly, to watch where I discuss this.

Something I'd like to get better at:

To stop saying the words "you always..." It's inaccurate and dismissive to use that in an argument. I need to figure out how to retrain myself.

Today I was thankful for:
1. Getting in a good massage at work
2. Making progress on singing ‎Der Hölle Rache
3. Compliments on my manicure
4. Finally getting my new feature working
5. Seeing all the good press about my team's recent launch

Looking forward to: 

Mother's Day this weekend!

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