Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 151

Something learned:

Don't treat people like computers.

I recently wrote a long message to our health benefits team about an insurance issue I was having. It was very detailed and they thanked me. A few messages later, I began to suspect that they had misread the dates I had typed, and the next message from them confirmed that I was right. I should have said something like "Note that the date is 2013, not 2014" even though the numbers were clearly there to be seen. It's only human right?

This lesson has also been learnt over years of trying to understand User Experience and User Interface design. Humans respond differently to different interface design. As a programmer, I've always felt that the most important thing was that the necessary information and functionality was available, not how they were presented. I've come to understand that this isn't true. A bad user interface will break a system.

Treat people like people.

Something I want to get better at:

Be more willing to take on things I don't know how to do.

Today I was thankful for:

1. Husband cleaning out the fish tank and getting a new cleaning system for it.
2. Having a treadmill desk at work so I could take a short walk after lunch while reading.
3. Finding some pain medication in the cabinet after I split my lip open while being a klutz.
4. Husband making dinner
5. Free movie rental

Looking forward to:

Watching a show with friends tomorrow night

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