Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 23

Something learned:

It still surprises me sometimes when I'm talking and I see people around me silently paying attention. Growing up, attention was a difficult thing for me to get, and I ended up staying silent most of the time. I recall meeting up with my Aunt L when I was 24, and being very surprised when she asked me lots of questions about what was going on in my life, and was listening intently because it was such an unusual experience for me.

I still hate speaking most of the time, and it has had an effect on a lot of my life and career choices. I don't want my child to be limited in the same way, so I make sure to talk and listen to her every day. I hope it works.

Today I was grateful for:

1. Catching up with various family and friends over email
2. Making much progress on holiday errands
3. Possibly seeing my cousin soon
4. Husband making dinner
5. Cracking open the chocolate "gingerbread" house to eat

A hope:

That I'll get to spend next Chinese New Year with some family even if I can't get home this year.

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