Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 87

Something learned:

What to look for in a partner? When I was young, I thought that dating someone came down to a choice between looks and personality. Now I don't know how I could have ever thought it was that simple.

As I got older, experience taught me that I wanted someone who was honest (that I could trust) and strong (determination). I eventually condensed that to integrity, in both senses of the word -- being honest, as well as doing and being everything that he decides to be.

Along the way, I learned about values (family, personal development, financial etc) and the importance of sharing them with one's spouse. As you combine your lives, if your major priorities are not somewhat aligned, life can get very difficult.

Lastly, it occurred to me that planning a wedding together is the ultimate test of whether you and your future spouse are able to work together on a stressful, complex project. It will be a good indicator of how well you might weather the tough times together. It's always better to find out BEFORE making the commitment.

Today I was thankful for:

1. Finally getting together a hundred sheets of paper or so to hand off to our account for this year's taxes.
2. Kiddo cleaning up her room
3. Hubby doing everything on the chore list I handed him this evening
4. Kiddo declaring that she loves reading (she finished Ivy & Bean in an hour tonight)
5. Hubby making me a bowl of ice cream just because I asked

Looking forward to:

A trip to Providence restaurant sometime soon. Mmmm.

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