Friday, March 14, 2014

Day 109

I think it's time to add something into the mix. In addition to what I've learned, I think it's time for me to reflect upon what I'd like to get better at.

Something learned:

Unfortunately, I had the need to apologize to someone over email in the last day. I felt terrible about my mistake, but even worse, I fear that I botched up my apology and lost my chance to put things right.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt ill equipped to adequately express all my important thoughts coherently, especially since I was upset about my mistake and not thinking well. Since communication isn't my strong suit, I sat down and wrote an outline to use for future apologies (being human and all that).

Do you think that's too unemotional of me?

Something I'd like to get better at:

Parenting. The first few years were fairly straightforward. Keep the baby fed and clean and safe. Now the real hard stuff is happening and I feel like I'm having to figure it out as I go along and mistakes and failure are frustrating and demoralizing. I feel like I have zero role models as I'm not regularly around people who have kids older than mine. I myself was mostly unparented -- just babysat by a housekeeper. Where can I go to get an internship?

Today I was thankful for:

1. Being able to attend a talk by Daniel Suarez and get a free copy of his new book.
2. Napping on the kid's floor and she covered me with a blanket
3. Tasty unagi-don for dinner
4. Getting perfect scores on my 2 Coursera quizzes (granted they were about logic and probability .. but still)
5. Seeing a photograph I took get featured on the Ren Fair Facebook page.

Looking forward to:

Date night tomorrow at my favorite restaurant in Los Angeles!

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