Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 122

Something learned:

I don't talk about my employer often, but I've spent more than half my career there for good reason. I value them for many reasons, but when it comes down to it, the most important thing about that place is that everyone believes in doing the right thing. It's in the culture of the company to consider what the right thing is, and to constantly strive towards that, and to challenge and push those around us to do the same. I think that's at the heart of everything we do -- why they provide the benefits and perks they do, why they ask the things they do of us, and why there's trust.

Something I'll like to get better at:

Keeping in shape. I value keeping my mind in shape over keeping my body in shape. I'd love to do both, but after work and mothering each day.. that's about it... sigh.

Today I was thankful for:

1. Wrapping up my interview in time to pick up my kid from camp
2. Getting in just enough fixes to make the top prize level for the quarterly fix-it
3. A Skype video call between my parents and my kid so she could see her grandparents
4. Empty todo list. Some time all to myself. Bliss!
5. Deciding to buy a Kindle

Looking forward to:

Adam Pascal in concert tomorrow with the kid!

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